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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Names to Know: Most to Least Concerning Trump Advisors

Names to Know:

Most to Least Concerning Trump Advisors

by Whitney Ahn

Steve Bannon: Senior Counselor, Chief Strategist
        He was the editor of Breitbart, which ran articles and pieces that were racist, sexist, homophobic, and everything else. Regardless of your opinion on "PC culture", Breitbart is and was the basis of the case in its favor.

Stephen A. Miller: Senior Advisor
         He is extremist at best, and an insane and sociopathic Russophile at worst. His influence over the President is strong, as shown throughout the Trump campaign, which is what makes him so dangerous.

Reince Priebus: Chief of Staff
         Priebus is not crazy, but is so inexperienced that his occupation of this important position becomes to entire administration's detriment.

Kellyanne Conway: Counselor
         She's really more of a PR expert than a policy advisor, and has shown signs of multipolarity with regards to her general sanity. Her loyalty to President Trump is undying, but several outlets

K.T. McFarland: Deputy National Security Advisor
         She opened the Deputies Committee by limiting everyone to two minutes, because she's "from TV". Beyond that, McFarland is surprisingly qualified, despite having not served since the Reagan administration.

Jared Kushner: Senior Advisor
         He is (probably) not crazy. However, his presence brings up concerns of nepotism and his occupation of an official rule is potentially a breaking of laws that were designed to prevent this sort of thing from happening, though communications officials in the White House have made the argument that fits into a legal loophole.

Ivanka Trump
         She is (probably) not crazy. However, her presence, like Kushner's, brings up concerns of nepotism. The difference between her and her husband is that she does not hold any official position.

Dina Powell: Senior Counselor for Economic Initiatives
         She has yet to show any signs of being completely crazy, and has the ear of Ivanka Trump, who is also (probably) not crazy.

H.R. McMaster: National Security Advisor
         He's definitely not crazy. So there's that.